
Clinker, a software development ecosystem

27 September, 2011 - 1 min read

Recently I discovered Clinker, a so called Software Development Ecosystem. Mysteriously there is no definition for Development Ecosystem on Wikipedia yet but a close definition could be:

A set of tools that tries to offer, simplify and improve software development. Typically it contains tools for Continuous Integration or Build Automation.

In this case, Clinker is a VMWare virtual machine containing:

  1. Debian 6 (amd64) with LVM support
  2. JDK 1.6.0_27-b07 (64bits)
  3. OpenSSH Server 5.5
  4. rsync 3.0.7
  5. MySQL Server 5.1.49
  6. Apache Web Server 2.2.16
  7. Apache Maven 2.2.1
  8. Apache Tomcat 6.0.32
  9. Jenkins v1.427
  10. Sonar 2.5
  11. Nexus Community
  12. Alfresco Community 3.4.0 (d 3370)
  13. Lambda Probe 1.7b
  14. Redmine 1.1.3
  15. Subversion 1.6.17
  16. Trac 0.11.7
  17. Clinker SSO Gateway 1.2-SNAPSHOT
  18. CMIS Trac Plugin 1.0.1
  19. Stractistics Trac Plugin 0.4.2
  20. Clinker Auth Redmine Plugin 1.0.0
  21. Clinker Auth Jenkins Plugin 1.1.1
  22. Clinker Auth Sonar Plugin 1.1.0
  23. Clinker Authnz Apache Module 1.0.1
  24. Clinker Authz Subversion Apache Module 1.0.0
  25. Awstats 7.0

More information on http://clinkerhq.com.

Do you know any other similar projects or alternatives? Please put a comment.

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