
SimplyWrite, a free web distraction writing tool

29 April, 2013 - 2 min read

I like to write and I like programming so the obvious consequence were to write some tool to write. More or less this is the history of SimplyWrite.

SimplyWrite is a free web distraction writing tool that recognizes the lightweight markup language Markdown, an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain format which allow to enrich the text.



  • Auto show/hide of menus to allow a clean working area.
  • Show working and total timer. Total timer counts the time since you open SimplyWrite. Working timer counts the time you have set active the SimplyWrite page.
  • Count lines, words and characters.
  • Export your writes to a new page, ready to be saved.
  • Allow to configure font family and size.
  • SimplyWrite stores all your writes on the client side. It makes use of the HTML5 local storage feature so no server is required.

Be careful with this feature. You can lost your data if you manually clean the broswer cached data and also browser cleans the local storage area automatically when the space used grown over some value (like 500mb).

The source code of SimplyWrite is available at GitHub under MIT license. Feel free to contribute.

The Design

I would like to specially mention the fact the SimplyWrite design was made by my friend Guillem Sevilla (@gllmsvll) a great minimalism designer !!!


SimplyWrite has been a nice challenge for me. It gives me the opportunity to work with the next tools:

  • grunt, the awesome JavaScript task runner. It allows, among others, to minimize and concatenate files.
  • grunt-bbb, the grunt Backbone Boilerplate Build extension. Simplifies the work with Backbone framework.
  • backbone, a lightweight MVC framework.
  • backbone.layoutmanager, an extension of backbone to improve the work with views.
  • CodeMirror, an awesome code editor component for the browser.
  • Bootstrap, a front-end framework used for the UIX.
© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon