
Announcing the release of The Book of OpenLayers 3

23 September, 2014 - 2 min read

I just sent this words to all the people interested in the book via LeanPub and I would like to post it here too, hoping this message arrives to more people.

The Book of OpenLayers3 is progressing well. It is not finished but I would like to notify you, in the next weeks, I will launch a pre-release of the book.

At this moment the book contains five chapters covering the most important topics of the new architecture and design of the library. All chapters are divided in a theory section, where I explain all the concepts and involved classes, and a practice section, where I show real working examples.

Remember, all the examples are also freely available at the GitHub repository: https://github.com/acanimal/thebookofopenlayers3 are right now running at: http://www.acuriousanimal.com/thebookofopenlayers3.

My intention is continue writing, at least, two more chapters. One dedicated to the controls OpenLayers3 offers to interact with the map, and a second one, related to the concept of overlays. I hope to cover these two chapter in one month.

Thanks to LeanPub platform, once you buy a book you are allowed to download the new updates freely. I will notify you when new releases are available.

Please, do not hesitate to send me your feedback related with the book, from its content to its costs.

Finally, remember this book is self published, no great publishing company is behind it and no great marketing campaigns are organised, so any comments on shared networks that publicise the book will be appreciated.

Antonio Santiago (@acanimal) - #thebookofopenlayers3


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