Tag: nodejs
All the articles with the tag "nodejs".
Express API with autogenerated OpenAPI doc through Swagger
Published:Β atΒ 08:31 PMIn the past years OpenAPI has arise as the preferred way to document APIs. In this article we will see how easy is document an API created with NodeJS and Express through the Swagger tools. If you are working in an REST API you more probably will desire to have some API doc where your users could find what are the endpoints of your API, what they do, which parameters they accept and which output they generate.
Using async/await in ExpressJS middlewares
Published:Β atΒ 12:10 PMIf you are not living in a cave for the past year you'll probably know the `async/await` keywords are one of the most interesting additions on ES7. It merges the benefits of a sequential syntax with the power of asynchronous programming. In this post we will cover how we must use correctly async functions as express middleware.