Tag: tips
All the articles with the tag "tips".
How to slice or get symbols from a unicode string with emojis in JavaScript? Lets learn how JavaScript represent strings
Published:Β atΒ 09:13 AMEverybody loves JavaScript (or not)! It's easy, powerful and fun (or not) but then one day you found something weird that makes you learn something new and that's fine (or not). If you don't know why `"π".charAt(0)` returns `οΏ½` or why `"π".length` is equal 2 then this article if for you. Do you really know how to handle strings in JavaScript?
How to update a column's type (in PostgreSQL)
Published:Β atΒ 04:01 PMSo, you have a table and you need to modify a column's type. The problem arise when the column is filled and the type change is incompatible, for example, from string to integer, so **how we can update the type and recompute the filled values to the new type?**
Working with query params in JavaScript with URLSearchParams
Published:Β atΒ 09:24 AMNo matter if you work with JavaScript at client or server side, at some point you'll need to work with urls and its query params. As example, I'm currently using [react-router](https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web) in my project, which is an great tool. I can define dynamic routes with path params and easily react-router returns me these params within the `match` variable and the rest of url information in the `location` variable, but how can I easily access to query params?