
A Curious Animal

Born to be curious, born to be animal!

Symfony2, Doctrine, FOSUserBundle and fixtures for functional testing

17 October, 2013
- 2 min read

I have an application built with Symfony2 framework which uses the Doctrine2 ORM for persistence. The issue is I need to make functional tests allowing to purge and initialize the database with doctrine fixtures. class MyFixtures implements FixtureInterface, ContainerAwareInterface { }

A visual exploration of the Nobel Prize history

15 August, 2013
- 3 min read

After some time in mind, finally I have got some free time to spend creating a web page to show the information related to Nobel Prizes.

The OpenLayers fallen and Leaflet arise... sure???

05 May, 2013
- 5 min read

I wrote this post some months ago, before I publish the OpenLayers Cookbook, but I never published it thinking it could start a flame war instead a constructive thread.

SimplyWrite, a free web distraction writing tool

29 April, 2013
- 2 min read

I like to write and I like programming so the obvious consequence were to write some tool to write. More or less this is the history of SimplyWrite.

The Book: GeoServer Beginner's Guide

01 April, 2013
- 3 min read

GeoServer is one of the most importants open source geospatial servers nowadays. Implemented in Java, based on the powerful GeoTools libraries, GeoServer offers a great degree of interporability publishing data from major spatial data sources using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.

Things I learned creating a jQuery Plugin (Part II)

25 February, 2013
- 6 min read

This post is the continuation of the series Things I learned creating a jQuery Plugin. } } }; }

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